Achieve Academic Excellence with Tutors from Oxford and Cambridge, Russell Group Universities, and Ivy League Institutions with our Online Tutoring Services

At Elite Speak, our mission is to empower young learners to achieve their academic dreams, with a focus on preparing them for top universities like Oxford, Cambridge, Russell Group institutions and US Ivy League Colleges.

Our online private tutoring and university admissions services are designed to meet the unique needs of each student, offering personalised attention and expertise in a wide range of subjects. All of our tutors are graduates from the world’s leading universities including Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard.

We offer online tutoring in subjects such as English, Science, Mathematics, History and we provide university admissions services for Oxbridge and Ivy League schools.

Oxford University, Cambridge University, Russell Group, Ivy League, Harvard, Yale, English Second language, Tutoring

Our Services

Oxford University, Cambridge University, Russell Group, Ivy League, Harvard, Yale, English Second language, Tutoring

Academic Subject Tutoring

We offer online tutoring services in a variety of subjects including English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History and Foreign Languages. Our tutors have experience teaching Primary School, KS3, GSCE, A-level and University level. We also provide support for US SAT and ACT examinations.

Oxford University, Cambridge University, Russell Group, Ivy League, Harvard, Yale, English Second language, Tutoring

Oxbridge and US College Admissions

Our expert Oxbridge and Ivy League graduates will guide you through the Oxford and Cambridge university and US College admissions process. They will assist you in crafting an exceptional personal statement and provide support for interview preparation through our online classes.

Oxford University, Cambridge University, Russell Group, Ivy League, Harvard, Yale, English Second language, Tutoring

English as a Second Language

We specialise in preparing you for success in exams like IELTS, PET and Cambridge Advanced. Our tutors can tailor courses to suit your specific needs to help you to improve your own personal learning outcomes. We offer courses to children and adults of all ages via online classes

  • Oxford University, Cambridge University, Russell Group, Ivy League, Harvard, Yale, English Second language, Tutoring

    Oxford and Cambridge Admissions Classes

    Our Oxford and Cambridge admissions classes provide dedicated support to guide students through the application process. We cover a comprehensive range of topics, including:

    Overview of the Admissions Process: Understand the key steps involved in applying to Oxford and Cambridge.

    Subject Selection: Get advice on choosing the right course for your interests and career goals.

    Required Grades and Entrance Exams: Learn about the academic requirements and exams needed for admission.

    College Selection: Discover how to choose the best college for your needs and preferences.

    Personal Statement Assistance: Receive guidance on planning, writing, and editing a compelling personal statement.

    Interview Preparation: Prepare for interviews with mock sessions and strategies to showcase your strengths.

    You can choose to focus exclusively on personal statement and interview preparation or opt for comprehensive assistance throughout the entire admissions process.

    We offer various class packages tailored to your individual needs. Please contact us for more information.

  • Oxford University, Cambridge University, Russell Group, Ivy League, Harvard, Yale, English Second language, Tutoring

    US Ivy League Admissions Classes

    Our Ivy League college admissions classes provide tailored support to help students navigate the competitive application process. We cover a wide range of essential topics, including:

    Understanding the Admissions Process: Get an overview of what to expect when applying to Ivy League schools.

    Choosing the Right College: Learn how to identify the best fit among Ivy League institutions based on your goals and interests.

    Academic Requirements and Testing: Discover the grades, standardized tests, and other prerequisites needed for admission.

    Crafting Your Personal Statement: Receive expert guidance on planning, writing, and refining a standout personal statement.

    Letters of Recommendation: Understand how to request and prepare strong letters of recommendation.

    Interview Preparation: Prepare for interviews with personalized coaching and practice sessions.

    You can focus solely on personal statement and interview preparation or receive comprehensive support throughout the entire admissions journey.

    We offer a variety of class packages designed to meet your specific needs. Please contact us for more information.

  • Oxford University, Cambridge University, Russell Group, Ivy League, Harvard, Yale, English Second language, Tutoring

    Academic Subject Tutoring

    Our online tutoring classes provide expert guidance across a variety of academic subjects. We offer classes in:

    English: Enhance your reading, writing, and comprehension skills.

    Maths: Develop your understanding of mathematical concepts and problem-solving strategies.

    Science: Explore subjects such as biology, chemistry, and physics with engaging lessons.

    History: Gain insights into historical events and their impact on the modern world.

    Geography: Understand physical and human geography and their interconnectedness.

    ACT and SAT Preparation: Get ready for college entrance exams with focused strategies and practice.

    You can choose to concentrate on one subject or receive comprehensive support across multiple areas.

    We offer a variety of class packages to fit your academic goals. Please contact us for more information.

  • Oxford University, Cambridge University, Russell Group, Ivy League, Harvard, Yale, English Second language, Tutoring

    English as a Second Language Classes

    Our English as a Second Language (ESL) classes offer personalised instruction to help students improve their language skills in a supportive environment. We cover a range of essential topics, including:

    Conversational English: Build confidence and fluency in everyday conversations.

    Grammar and Vocabulary: Strengthen your understanding of English grammar and expand your vocabulary.

    Listening and Speaking Skills: Enhance your ability to understand spoken English and express yourself clearly.

    Reading Comprehension: Develop strategies for understanding and analyzing texts.

    Writing Skills: Improve your writing for academic, professional, or personal purposes.

    Test Preparation: Get ready for English proficiency exams such as IELTS or Cambridge Advanced with targeted practice and strategies.

    You can choose to focus on specific areas or receive comprehensive support across all aspects of the English language.

    We offer various class packages to suit your learning needs. Please contact us for more information.

Schedule your appointment or get more info

Secure your academic success with our personalised online tutoring services. Please fill out the form on the right-hand side with all the necessary details, including the subject you wish to study and, if applicable, your university choices. This information will help us match you with the best online tutoring options available. Once you submit the form, our team will review your request and get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss the next steps. We look forward to helping you achieve your academic goals